The 8th meeting of the IU/PU/IUPUI Joint Topology Seminar will
be held at IUPUI in
Indianapolis, Indiana on Saturday October 13, 2018. Talks will
begin at 10am and end at 12:30pm, followed by lunch. Talks will be
held in LD 026.
Paul VanKoughnett, Purdue University: A chromatic approach to tmf cooperations |
Ernie Fontes, The Ohio State University: Weight structures and the algebraic K-theory of stable ∞-categories |
Paul VanKoughnett, Purdue University: A chromatic approach to tmf cooperations
Abstract: The topological modular forms spectrum, tmf, is a cohomology theory constructed from elliptic curves that captures information about stable homotopy at chromatic heights less than or equal to 2. We present a description of the height 1 part of the algebra of tmf cooperations, and interpret it in terms of modular forms. This is joint work with Dominic Culver.
Talks will be held in room LD 026 in the basement of the Science
Building, on the IUPUI campus in downtown Indianapolis (402 N.
Blackford St.).
Please contact us with questions.
Past meetings: