IU/PU/IUPUI Joint Topology Seminar

April 16, 2016
Indianapolis, IN, USA

The 5th meeting of the IU/PU/IUPUI Joint Topology Seminar will be held at IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana on Saturday April 16, 2016. Talks will held in room LD 026, beginning at 10am and ending at 12:30pm, followed by lunch.


If you plan to attend, please email Dan Ramras (dramras at iupui.edu), and indicate if you will need a parking pass and if you plan to come to lunch. We can provide parking passes, which allow you to park in the lots in front of the LD building. (Most parking spots on the IUPUI campus require a permit, even on weekends.)  Note that IU and Purdue parking permits are valid at IUPUI.  More details are below.

Confirmed Speakers

Jeremy Miller, Purdue University: On the FI-homology of configuration spaces
Cary Malkiewich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A tale of two transfers


10am: Jeremy Miller

11:30am: Cary Malkiewich


Jeremy Miller, Purdue University: On the FI-homology of configuration spaces

Abstract: In the 1970s, McDuff proved that configuration spaces of distinct unordered particles in an open manifold exhibit homological stability. Although the homology groups of ordered configuration spaces do not stabilize, Church showed that the homology does stabilize in a representation theoretic sense. After recalling the definition of representation stability, FI-modules and FI-homology, I will describe new patterns in the “unstable” homology of ordered configuration spaces. These patterns are an analogue of patterns discovered by Galatius in the homology of symmetric groups. This is joint work in progress with Jennifer Wilson.

Cary Malkiewich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A tale of two transfers

Abstract: The Becker-Gottlieb transfer constructs for each fibration E -> B with finite CW fibers a stable map B -> E. In joint work with John Lind, we study a similar transfer defined on the free loop spaces LB -> LE, which is closely connected to Waldhausen A-theory. We give a geometric characterization for smooth fiber bundles, and use it to compute the transfer for the Hopf fibration S^3 -> S^2, where it is nonzero. We also prove that this free loop transfer restricts to the Becker-Gottlieb transfer on the constant loops, extending a result of Dorabiala and Johnson.

We finish by presenting a joint result with John Klein, establishing a simple foundational property of the Becker-Gottlieb transfer that has resisted proof for some time.


Talks will be held in the basement of the LD building, room LD026, on the IUPUI campus in downtown Indianapolis.

Parking Information

IU permits are valid in certain IUPUI surface lots.  Detailed information is available here.  There are two lots in front of the LD/SL building. Those with an IU A or C permit can park in either lot, and those with an IU E permit can park in the southern lot. Purdue permits are also honored at IUPUI. If you will need a parking pass, please email Dan Ramras (dramras at iupui.edu).

Campus Map


Dan Ramras (dramras at iupui dot edu)
Mike Mandell (mmandell at indiana dot edu)
David Gepner (dgepner at purdue dot edu)

Please contact us with questions.

Past meetings:

December 5, 2015

April 25, 2015

January 31, 2015

November 8, 2014

Email: dramras at iupui dot edu