Honglang Wang
Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
School of Science
Indiana University Indianapolis
402 N.Blackford St., Indianapolis, IN, 46202

Office: LD 270B
Phone: (317) 274-7858
Fax: (317) 274-3460
Email: hlwang [at] iu [dot] edu


PhD in Statistics (2015): Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University. Advisors: Yuehua Cui and Ping-Shou Zhong.
Dual PhD in Quantitative Biology (2015): Natural Science, Michigan State University. Advisors: C. Robin Buell and Yuehua Cui.
MS in Mathematics (2010): Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University. Advisor: Kefeng Liu.
BS in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (2007): Department of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tian, China.

See my Curriculum Vitae for more information.

Research Interests

Statistical Analysis for Longitudinal and Functional Data
High Dimensional Statistical Inference and its Applications
Causal Inference
Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Nonparametric Statistics
Empirical Likelihood Methods and its Applications
Statistical Genetics and Statistical Genomics


Multivariate partial linear varying coefficients model for gene-environment interactions with multiple longitudinal traits
Honglang Wang, Jingyi Zhang, Kelly L. Klump, S. Alexandra Burt, Yuehua Cui
Statistics in Medicine. 2022; 1-18.

Comprehensive quantification of the responses of ecosystem production and respiration to drought time scale, intensity and timing in humid environments: A FLUXNET synthesis
Wenzhe Jiao, Lixin Wang, Honglang Wang, Matthew Lanning, Qing Chang, Kimberly A Novick
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006431, 2022.

Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Varying Coefficient Geo Models
Shuoyang Wang, Honglang Wang, Yichuan Zhao, Guanqun Cao, Yingru Li
Statistica Sinica, 33(4), 2021.

A modified isotope-based method for potential high-frequency evapotranspiration partitioning
Yusen Yuan, Lixin Wang, Honglang Wang, Wenqing Lin, Wenzhe Jiao, Taisheng Du
Advances in Water Resources 160 (2022): 104103.

Robust estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects: an algorithm-based approach
Ruohong Li, Honglang Wang, Yi Zhao, Jing Su, Wanzhu Tu
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation (2021): 1-18.

Observed increasing water constraint on vegetation growth over the last three decades
Wenzhe Jiao, Lixin Wang, William K. Smith, Qing Chang, Honglang Wang, Paolo D'Odorico
Nature Communications, 12, 3777 (2021)

Robust Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect using Electronic Health Record Data
Ruohong Li, Honglang Wang, Wanzhu Tu,
Statistics in Medicine, 40 (11), 2713-2752, 2021

Novel Keeling-plot-based methods to estimate the isotopic composition of ambient water vapor
Yusen Yuan, Taisheng Du, Honglang Wang, Lixin Wang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (9), 4491-4501, 2020

Gaussian Quadrature
Ruohong Li, Honglang Wang, Wanzhu Tu,
Wiley StatsRef-Statistics Reference Online, 2020

Robust graph change-point detection with application to brain evolvement study
Fang Han, Xi Chen, Honglang Wang, Lexin Li, Brian Caffo,

The Effects of Spatial Frequency and Colormap Characteristics on the Perception of 2D Pseudocolor Scalar Fields
Pratik Nalawade, Kate Ansah-Koi, Khairi Reda, Fang Li, Honglang Wang, Wei Zheng,

Expired Tidal Volume Variation in Extremely Low Birth Weight and Very Low Birth Weight Infants on Volume-Targeted Ventilation
Samuel Wong, Honglang Wang, Robert Tepper, Gregory M. Sokol , Rebecca Rose ,
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2018, accpeted

Bootstrap Methods: The Classical Theory and Recent Development
Honglang Wang, Wanzhu Tu,
Wiley StatsRef-Statistics Reference Online, 2018, accepted

Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Coefficients in High Dimensional Heteroscedastic Linear Models
Honglang Wang, Ping-Shou Zhong, Yuehua Cui,
Statistica Sinica 28 (2018), 2409-2433

Unified empirical likelihood ratio tests for functional concurrent linear models and the phase transition from sparse to dense functional data
Honglang Wang, Ping-Shou Zhong, Yuehua Cui, Yehua Li,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 80.2 (2018): 343-364.

A provable smoothing approach for high dimensional generalized regression with applications in genomics
Fang Han, Hongkai Ji, Zhicheng Ji, Honglang Wang,
Electronic Journal of Statistics 2017, Vol. 11, No. 2, 4347-4403.

Statistical identification of gene-gene interactions triggered by nonlinear environmental modulation
Xu Liu, Honglang Wang, Yuehua Cui,
Current Genomics, 2016 Oct; 17(5): 388-395.

A powerful statistical method identifies novel loci associated with diastolic blood pressure triggered by nonlinear gene-environment interaction [PDF]
Honglang Wang, Tao He, Cen Wu, Ping-Shou Zhong, Yuehua Cui,
BMC Proceedings 2014, 8(Suppl 1):S61 (17 June 2014)

Funded Research Grants

§§§ Sole-PI, 07/2022-06/2024, NSF, DMS-2212928
§§§ Sole-PI, 09/2016-09/2017, NSF subcontract


§§§ July 2024: Invited Talk---Empirical Likelihood Inference for Functional Mean Models with Application to Human Cognitive Impairment, July 17-July 19, 2024 @ The 7th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2024) - Beijing, China
§§§ June 2024: Invited Talk---Empirical Likelihood Based Efficient Semiparametric Inference for Longitudinal Data with Application to GAW 18 Data, June 28-June 30, 2024 @ 2024 ICSA China Conferences - Wuhan, China
§§§ April 2024: Invited Talk---Empirical Likelihood Based Efficient Inference for Sparse Functional Data Accounting for Within-Subject Correlation, Statistics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Texas State University, April 12, 2024
§§§ April 2024: Invited Talk---Empirical Likelihood Based Efficient Inference for Sparse Functional Data Accounting for Within-Subject Correlation, Statistics Colloquium, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), April 12, 2024
§§§ July 2023: Invited Talk---Robust Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects, July 17, 2023 @ 64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada
§§§ June 2023: Invited Talk---Empirical Likelihood Inference for Functional Mean Models with Application to Human Cognitive Impairment, June 14, 2023 @ ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium 2023, Ann Arbor, MI
§§§ May 2023: Yishan Cui started summer internship at Sanofi in Boston!
§§§ May 2023: Xiang Wang got Student Poster Competition Award at the 8th Workshop on Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, May 5-7, 2023, Atlanta, GA. Congratulations!
§§§ November 2022: Invited Talk---Robust Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Using Electronic Health Record Data, November 2nd, 2022 @ Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Seminar, University of Arizona @ Zoom
§§§ August 2022: I am now promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
§§§ July 2022: Xiang Wang passes his advanced topic exam and becomes a PhD candidate. Congratulations!
§§§ April 2022: Invited Talk---Multivariate partial linear varying coefficients model for GxE studies with multiple longitudinal traits, April 1st, 2022 @ The Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Seminars, University of Louisville @ Zoom
§§§ March 2022: As a Sole-PI, I receive the NSF grant DMS-2212928. Thanks NSF for supporting my research!


STAT 51200: Applied Regression Analysis (Fall 2016, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
STAT 52100: Statistical Computing (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
STAT 42100: Statistical Modelling Using R and SAS (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
STAT 51700: Statistical Inference (Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022)
STAT 41700: Statistical Theory (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
STAT 35000: Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2015-Summer 2022)
STAT 62800: Advanced Statistical Inference---Nonparametric Regression (2017 Spring)
2012 Summer, Intro Stats (STT200) @ MSU
2013 Summer, Intro Prob & Stat for Business (STT315) @ MSU


2018 Spring-present, Organizer of Statistics Seminars @ IUPUI.
2018 Fall-present, Faculty advisor of IUPUI ASA Student Chapter
2013 Fall, Chairman of Statistics Student Seminars (SSS) on Paper Reading @ MSU.
2012 Fall-2013 Spring, Chairman of Statistics Student Seminars (SSS) on Graphical Models @ MSU.
2011 Fall-2012 Spring, Chairman of Statistics Student Seminars (SSS) @ MSU.

Honors and Awards

Purdue Research Foundation Summer Faculty Grant (2019), Purdue University
Purdue Research Foundation International Travel Grant (2018), Purdue University
Travel Award for the "20th Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics and Probability" (2018), Institute of Mathematical Statistics
NSF Travel Award for The Nonparametric Statistics Workshop entitled "Integration of Theory, Methods and Applications" (2016), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
College of Natural Science US15 Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2015), Michigan State University
College of Natural Science US14 Dissertation Continuation Fellowship (2014), Michigan State University
William L Harkness Teaching Award, Michigan State University (2014)
Travel Award of GAW18 (2012)
Second-class Award of Honor for Graduate, Zhejiang University (2008)
First Prize in the 13th National Graduate Summer School in Mathematics (2008)
Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Tianjin University (2005-2006)
6th Outstanding Student of Science and Technology in Tianjin University (2005)
Tianjin University-Yuandong Chunguang Scholarship (2005)
Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Tianjin University (2004)


Academic Blog

PhD Students

June 5th, 2021 May 10th, 2023

Yishan Cui --- PhD student in Applied Statistics. Research supported in part by NSF awards DMS-2212928

Semiparametric Inference, Causal Inference

Ran Mo --- PhD student in Applied Statistics. Research supported in part by NSF awards DMS-2212928

Causal Inference, Robust Statistics

Wenzhe Jiao

Xuchen Fang --- PhD student in Applied Statistics. Research supported in part by NSF awards DMS-2212928

Causal Inference, Machine Learning

Past PhD Students

Xiang Wang --- PhD student in Applied Statistics. Research supported in part by NSF awards DMS-2212928 (2024)

Functional Data Analysis, Nonparametric Smoothing, Clustering


Now Wroking in China

Wenzhe Jiao

Wenzhe Jiao --- PhD student in Applied Earth Sicence (advised under Dr. Lixin Wang) with minor in applied statistics (advised under me) (2022)

Drought, Spatio-temporal, Machine Learning, Earth Science

Now PostDoc at MIT

Ruohong Li

Ruohong Li --- PhD student in Biostatistics (2021) (co-advised with Dr. Wanzhu Tu)

Causal Inference, Machine Learning, Biostatistics

Thesis: "Treatment Effect Estimation and Theraputic Optimization Using Observational Data"

Now Data & Applied Scientist 2 at Microsoft

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